Decisions to give to charities are affected by numerous external and internal factors. Understanding the elements influencing donation decisions is of first-order importance for science and society. On the scientific side, understanding the determinants of charity-giving contributes to the knowledge of altruistic behaviors in the presence of collective problems such as poverty, climate change, or animal welfare. On the social side, pointing out which factors affect donations can help increase prosocial behaviors and might facilitate collective actions in the case of public goods.
Previous work has identified multiple mechanisms affecting altruistic donations to charities (Bekkers and Wiepking, 2011). Importantly, Baron and Szymanska (2011) collected empirical evidence suggesting that people prefer (i) their donations to be directly used for projects rather than organizational costs, (ii) when charities have low past costs, (iii) to diversity their donations into several NGOs, (iv) to favor charities that deal with close peers like nationals, and (v) to give voluntarily rather than through taxes.
Here, Chan and Feldman (2024) conducted a close replication of Studies 1 to 4 of Baron and Szymanska (2011) using a large sample of online participants (four studies, overall N=1,403). In their replication, the authors found supporting evidence for the phenomena reported in the original study. In particular, people were more likely to donate to charities with lower organizational and lower past costs, to diversify their donations, and to show ingroup/nationalist preferences with larger donations to NGOs helping local over foreign children. Chan and Feldman (2024) ran additional analyses that indicated validity concerns regarding the analysis and questions that resulted in finding a preference for voluntary donations over taxation. In their added extensions that went beyond the original study, they also found that donors preferred to donate to charities whose overhead costs are paid for by other donors and unexpected evidence that making donations anonymous increased rather than decreased contributions.
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Version of the report: 4
Revised manuscript:
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Dear authors,
Thank you very much for submitting your Stage-2 manuscript to PCI-RR. I am sorry for the long delay since your resubmission.
The two reviewers who evaluated your Stage-1 manuscript kindly agreed to read your completed manuscript and gave precious feedback. You can access their reports below.
As a recommender, I believe that you closely followed your Stage-1 manuscript and congratulate you for this useful replication work. I think that the miscalculation of the statistical power in the Stage-1 is slightly disappointing, but mistakes happen very often and you clearly reported the issue. I appreciate the transparency. On this point, I concur with Amanda’s opinion and would also suggest that you report the corrected statistical power. Please note that the corrected power analysis should not be conducted using the effect size estimated from the data that you collected. As far as I am concerned, I would be satisfied with you using the same method/script as in the Stage-1, correcting for this mistake, and reporting what power this would have yielded. This technical mistake is not a concern for the recommendation of the manuscript, of course.
Regarding the other comments of the reviewers, I think that some of them could really help you improve your manuscript and make it more reader-friendly and/or more informative for the readership. For instance, I share Amanda’s view that the paper would benefit from more intuitive presentations of the findings (in plain language, not only in statistical language). Another example is the use of the word « Efficiency », which might be associated with different understandings. In my view, you explain what you understand with this word on Page 8.
Last, there are several comments that address the generalizability of your findings and/or that seek to make sense of them. I think that some of them could be interesting to discuss (the reviewers’ comments show the type of questions your readership will ask, so you might want to anticipate it and extend your discussion section). I leave it up to you to decide to which extent to enrich your manuscript in this regard. Most importantly, I will not condition the recommendation on running additional analyses as you did what you committed to doing.
I am looking forward to your revised manuscript and congratulations again for your work.
Thank you very much for considering PCI-RR for your work.
Best regards,
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to review this submission again at Stage 2. Overall, this version of the manuscript looks good to me, and it's great to see that most of the replications were successful. I will list my main comments first, which are based on the factors that PCIRR recommends reviewers to focus on at Stage 2. Then below I will list some more minor comments/concerns.
Main comments:
Minor comments:
Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing this work published!
Amanda Geiser
The authors conduct a series of replications regarding Baron & Szymanska (2011), with a few extensions. They by and large replicate the work of Baron & Szymanska (2011). Interestingly, they find no evidence that people prefer public over anonymous donations.
Re-reading the scenarios in detail, I have a few concerns regarding the wording, and whether participants are fully comprehending them as the researchers intend. For instance, I worry that in the waste/overhead scenario, it may be that some participants think that you need $1,000 per non-overhead money to save 5 lives. If they are thinking this, then they would be right to choose B over A. One way to assess this is to condition Study 3 only on people saving that the “right” allocation is equal? Similarly, in the diversification studies, you can condition results who report the “correct” answer for the impact and/or efficiency questions and then evaluate just those choices. This way, these impact questions would act as a comprehension check and you see whether it is that (a) people just don’t comprehend impact appropriately / people are confused by the scenario or (b) even when people realize the impact consequences, they still don’t donate in accordance with impact (cf. Berman et al., 2018; Caviola et al., 2020). I wonder if it is worth conducting these additional analyses and commenting on them if necessary.
I am suspicious of the external validity of the anonymous donation results. Other work in the marketplace finds an effect of public rewards on donation behavior (e.g., Lacetera & Macis, 2010). One possibility is that social rewards motivates people who would otherwise not donate to charity. That is, people who previously wouldn’t donate become motivated to when reputation is on the line. Additionally, it may be that people who have already agreed to donate may subsequentially pass up the opportunity to go public to signal their motives were pure (c.f., Kirgios et al., 2020). These possibilities are worth discussing.
Minor comments:
Page 8. The Caviola cite does not show this exactly. Rather, it says that people weight overhead over effectiveness in between subject design, but not within subjects designs
Berman, J. Z., Barasch, A., Levine, E. E., & Small, D. A. (2018). Impediments to effective altruism: The role of subjective preferences in charitable giving. Psychological science, 29(5), 834-844.
Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Nemirow, J. (2020). The many obstacles to effective giving. Judgment and Decision Making, 15(2), 159-172.
Kirgios, E. L., Chang, E. H., Levine, E. E., Milkman, K. L., & Kessler, J. B. (2020). Forgoing earned incentives to signal pure motives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(29), 16891-16897.
Lacetera, N., & Macis, M. (2010). Social image concerns and prosocial behavior: Field evidence from a nonlinear incentive scheme. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76(2), 225-237.
--Jonathan Berman