List of PCI RR-friendly journals

What is a PCI RR-friendly journal?

A PCI RR-friendly journal endorses the PCI RR review criteria and commits to accepting without further peer review any manuscript that achieves a positive final recommendation from PCI RR while also meeting any additional procedural requirements that do not require further scientific evaluation by the journal.
Such additional requirements could include falling within a defined disciplinary scope, meeting a prescribed word limit, achieving a minimum pre-planned strength of evidence (e.g. a minimum level of statistical power), or ensuring a minimum level of bias-control where data already exist. Authors intending to publish their RR in a PCI RR-friendly journal are advised to consult the journal requirements below to ensure that their submission is eligible.
Where any scientific or expert judgment is required to assess whether these additional requirements are met, a PCI RR-friendly journal commits to accepting the judgment of PCI RR without performing additional peer review.
Note that subjective judgments about the importance, novelty or timeliness of a research question are not relevant to judgment of research quality at PCI RR and are not assessed as an additional requirement by a PCI RR-friendly journal. A PCI RR-friendly journal will also not relitigate any scientific elements of the study that PCI RR has already approved, including adherence to the Stage 1 and Stage 2 review criteria.

Author choice

Where a submission receives a positive final recommendation and is eligible for multiple PCI RR-friendly journals, authors choose the journal. This could include any PCI RR-friendly journal, any PCI RR-interested journal that makes a publication offer to the authors, or no journal if the authors prefer their Stage 2 manuscript to be hosted solely on their preferred preprint server. Alternatively, authors are free to pursue publication of their manuscript in any other journal, but only PCI RR-friendly journals commit to endorsing the recommendations of PCI RR. Regardless of which journal (if any) publishes the Stage 2 article, the reviews and decision letters for recommended submissions are published on the PCI RR platform at the point of Stage 2 acceptance. Full details of this workflow may be found in the Guide for Authors.
Authors are informed at the point of Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) which PCI RR-friendly journals are eligible outlets. All eligible journals then automatically offer Stage 1 IPA without requiring authors to submit a Stage 1 manuscript. Authors who intend to publish their RR in a PCI RR-friendly journal need not submit their manuscript to any one journal until after the final positive Stage 2 recommendation.
Where a Stage 1 or Stage 2 submission is rejected from PCI RR, the rejection does not disqualify the authors from submitting their manuscript directly to any PCI RR-friendly journal (or any other RR-adopting journal) for fresh consideration. In other words, even though PCI RR-friendly journals agree to endorse the positive recommendations of PCI RR without further review, the review process that is undertaken by PCI RR is not considered by any journal to duplicate an internal rejection decision that would typically disqualify a rejected manuscript from being submitted again to the same journal.

List of PCI RR-friendly journals

There are currently 35 PCI RR-friendly journals. The current list can be viewed in spreadsheet and PDF format, and details of each journal's commitment and eligibility requirements are also listed below.
For open access journals, authors are strongly advised to check the journal website for latest information concerning article processing charges.
Journals interested in becoming PCI RR-friendly can learn more about the requirements here and can apply to join here.

Addiction Research & Theory

Statement of commitment: Addiction Research & Theory will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.   

Disciplinary scope: Research in multiple fields viewing addictive behaviour as arising from psychological processes within the individual and the social context in which the behaviour takes place as much as from the biological effects of the psychoactive substance or activity involved. Disciplines represented in the journal include Anthropology, Economics, Epidemiology, Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and History, but high quality contributions from other relevant areas will also be considered.     

Word limits: Abstract: max 250 words. Total word limit: ~5,000 but longer contributions negotiable under special circumstances.   

Offered for qualitative research: No       

Offered for quantitative research: Yes    

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes         

Required article processing charge: N/A  

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A - colour figure charges for print only

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No 

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Advances in Cognitive Psychology


Statement of commitment: Advances in Cognitive Psychology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control.

Disciplinary scope: Behavioural, cognitive, and human brain sciences, including studies of perception, language processing, attention, memory, and cognition. Disciplinary coverage across the breadth of cognitive psychology, including neuropsychology of cognition, modeling and simulations, social cognition, differential cognitive psychology, developmental cognitive psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: No 

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 5

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: €300. Waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science


Statement of commitment: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: For regular RRs: original studies or replications that focus on advancing methods, practices, or metascience in any area of psychology and related disciplines. Note that the journal does not publish scale validation papers or studies that focus on a method or practices for a single task, or studies with implications for limited geographical or cultural context applications; nor does it consider studies that address method or research practices relevant primarily within a single literature or subfield of psychology. For Registered Replication Reports (RRRs): direct (i.e. close) replications in any area of psychology that involve coordination between at least three (but preferably more) independent teams of researchers. For RRRs, only submissions that involve multiple independent replications of the same study protocol in different samples are eligible for consideration.

Word limits: The suggested maximum length for regular RRs is ~5,000 words (excluding references, tables, and figure captions). For RRRs, introductions should be concise (<1,500 words) and focused on the motivations for conducting the replication study rather than a review of the broader literature, and the General Discussion sections should be brief (500–1,000 words).

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: USD $1000. Discounts and waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: Biolinguistics will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR.

Disciplinary scope: Research in biologically-oriented theoretical and experimental linguistics, including human studies in psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience, as well as animal studies pertaining to the evolution of language and communication.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Brain and Neuroscience Advances

Statement of commitment: Brain and Neuroscience Advances will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Basic, translational, and clinical studies across all areas of neuroscience (e.g. molecular, cellular, systems, behavioural, and cognitive) that involve human, animal or in vitro samples.

Word limits: No overall word limit. Abstract: max 250 words.

Offered for qualitative research: No 

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.80 and alpha ≤ .05 for all preregistered hypothesis tests. For studies employing Bayesian hypothesis testing, data collection until Bayes Factor (BF)>6 in favour of H1 or H0 for all preregistered hypotheses OR authors can specify a maximum feasible sample size at which data collection must cease regardless of the BF provided the sample is sufficiently large that inconclusive results at this sample size would be an important message for the field.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: £1,200 + any applicable VAT.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal

Statement of commitment: Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal (CERJ) will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any  Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any area of education.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes    

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Collabra: Psychology

Statement of commitment: Collabra: Psychology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any branch of cognitive psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, organizational behavior, psychological methodology, and research practice in psychology

Word limits: Abstract: max 300 words

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For submissions that achieve Level 6 bias control: same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums. For submissions that achieve Level 2-5 bias control: power ≥ 0.90 for all preregistered hypothesis tests that employ null hypothesis significance testing.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: USD $975. Waivers are available at submission.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Communications in Kinesiology

Statement of commitment: Communications in Kinesiology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable requirements concerning bias control.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any area of kinesiology, including the intersection with physiology and nutrition, exercise and sport psychology, sports medicine and rehabilitation, biomechanics, sensorimotor control, coaching and sport pedagogy, training and performance analysis, physical activity, health, and disease.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.   

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): Yes

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: Cortex will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control, and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: No 

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.90 and alpha ≤ .02 (or equivalent sensitivity for different inference procedures) for all preregistered hypothesis tests. For studies employing Bayesian hypothesis testing, data collection until Bayes Factor (BF)>6 in favour of H1 or H0 for all preregistered hypotheses OR authors can specify a maximum feasible sample size at which data collection must cease regardless of the BF provided the sample is sufficiently large that inconclusive results at this sample size would be an important message for the field.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Experimental Psychology

Statement of commitment: Experimental Psychology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Experimental psychology; quantitative experiments in psychological science only.

Word limits: Abstract: max 200 words. Total word limit for RRs featuring a single experiment: 5,000 words. Total word limit for RRs featuring two or more experiments: 10,000 words.

Offered for qualitative research: No 

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 6

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: No     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

First Language

Statement of commitment: First Language will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research on children's language development from across a range of disciplinary perspectives, including psychology, linguistics, anthropology, cognitive science, neuroscience, communication, sociology and education. Note that studies on reading development where the focus is on children's development of code-based skills rather than language per se, and studies on language teaching, are not within the disciplinary scope.

Word limits: 8,000 words in total. However, the journal is sympathetic to authors' requests for additional length where, for example, papers report multiple studies. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief directly if you have any queries re. the word limit.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes    

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A - colour figure charges for print only.

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Human Population Genetics and Genomics

Statement of commitment: Human Population Genetics and Genomics will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR.

Disciplinary scope: Research in human population genetics and genomics, including but not limited to: gene/genome structure and organization, evolutionary genetics, molecular anthropology, paleogenomics, medical genetics and genetic epidemiology, disease-association studies, genetics of complex disease, behavioral genetics, forensics, bioinformatics, and related ethical, legal and social issues.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.    

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes    

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): Yes

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Imaging Neuroscience


Statement of commitment: Imaging Neuroscience will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control, and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any area of neuroimaging related to health and disease, in human and animal models.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.80 and alpha ≤ .05 for all preregistered hypothesis tests For studies employing Bayesian hypothesis testing, data collection until Bayes Factor (BF)>6 in favour of H1 or H0 for all preregistered hypotheses OR authors can specify a maximum feasible sample size at which data collection must cease regardless of the BF provided the sample is sufficiently large that inconclusive results at this sample size would be an important message for the field.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: USD $1600. Waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: In&Vertebrates will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge.

Disciplinary scope: Research and metascience in any area of the life sciences, including the intersection of life/social and life/physical sciences.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: £460/€500/$570. Waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

International Review of Social Psychology


Statement of commitment: International Review of Social Psychology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the authors paying an article processing charge (if applicable) and the manuscript meeting the specified journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research in all areas of social psychology.

Word limits: 8,000 words in total.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 3

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: No charge for articles that fall within IRSP's total annual submission quota. An APC of €500 applies once quota is exceeded.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A 

Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience


Statement of commitment: Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Non-narrative reviews or replication studies in basic and applied neuroscience, including anatomy, behavior, biochemistry, bioinformatics, cell biology, genetics, physiology and pharmacology.

Word limits: No limits for the main text. Abstract: ~250 words

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Journal of Cognition

Statement of commitment: Journal of Cognition will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: All areas of cognitive psychology, including attention, memory, perception, psycholinguistics, and reasoning. Cross-disciplinary research that has clear implications for development of cognitive psychological theories.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 3

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: €1150. Full and partial waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: Meta-Psychology will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning bias control, formatting, and computational reproducibility.

Disciplinary scope: Empirical metascience that advances psychology as a science through critical discourse related to individual articles, research lines, research areas, or psychological science as a field, as well as replications in any psychology topic.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 6

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: More stringent than PCI RR. All submissions must be accompanied by open data, well-documented code, and open materials. Following submission of the recommended Stage 2 manuscript to the journal, all reported studies must past an internal reproducibility check undertaken by the Meta-Psychology statistical team. For full details see the Meta-Psychology transparency policy and submission guidelines.

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: Yes

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

NeuroImage: Reports

Statement of commitment: NeuroImage: Reports will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control, and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any area of neuroimaging related to health and disease, in human and animal models.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.80 and alpha ≤ .05 for all preregistered hypothesis tests For studies employing Bayesian hypothesis testing, data collection until Bayes Factor (BF)>6 in favour of H1 or H0 for all preregistered hypotheses OR authors can specify a maximum feasible sample size at which data collection must cease regardless of the BF provided the sample is sufficiently large that inconclusive results at this sample size would be an important message for the field.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: USD $1,800, excluding taxes.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Peer Community Journal

Statement of commitment: Peer Community Journal will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR.

Disciplinary scope: All STEM, medicine, social sciences and humanities.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: PeerJ will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting any applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Biological and life sciences, environmental sciences, social sciences, medicine.

Word limits: No overall word limit. Abstract: max 500 words.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: Variable (£0-£995) depending on specific journal and options. Membership plans are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

PeerJ Computer Science, PeerJ Physical Chemistry, PeerJ Organic Chemistry, PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry, PeerJ Analytical Chemistry, PeerJ Materials Science

Statement of commitment: Any of the six PeerJ specialist journals will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting any applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Computer science, chemistry, materials science.

Word limits: No overall word limit. Abstract: max 500 words.

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: Variable (£0-£995) depending on specific journal and options Membership plans are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Personality Science

Statement of commitment: Personality Science will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript falling within the journal's annual publication quota.

Disciplinary scope: Research in all areas of personality research, including personality psychology as well as adjacent fields such as genetics, anthropology, sociology, computer science, economics, educational science, medicine, and political science. Scope includes studies examining differences between and within individuals or groups of individuals in biological, psychological, and social origins, expressions, structures, dynamics, processes, mechanisms, functioning, development, and consequences, as well as non-pathological and pathological individual differences between and within humans, animals, virtual avatars, intelligent systems, and robots.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses only.  

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: The journal can publish no more than 4 completed Stage 2 RRs per year. Once this quota is exceeded, authors must either delay publication until the quota resets or choose an alternative journal. Authors should enquire with the journal about the current quota status following a positive Stage 2 recommendation

Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research and Practice

Statement of commitment: Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control, and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Human and animal studies focusing on sensory consciousness, subconsciousness, self-consciousness, psychophysiological aspects of consciousness, or psychopathological aspects of consciousness. Submissions must propose original or replicative research that tests old or new theories in the above domains. In ideal research proposals, the empirical predictions derived from such theories should point to the potential discovery of previously unpredicted results or to the potential confirmation of previously unexpected results—though this need not apply to all proposals.

Word limits: No overall word limit. Abstract: max 250 words.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For frequentist testing of a primary hypothesis (H1) against a null hypothesis (H0), APA requires that the alpha level—the likelihood of accepting H1 when H0 is true—be .05 or less.  For Bayesian hypothesis testing of H1 against H0, this journal requires that the Bayes factor—the indicator of a noteworthy finding—be 3.0 or greater.  The journal has no set power requirement. However, a non-significant difference between H1 and H0 is not in itself sufficient for concluding there is support for H0. In order to infer support for H0, high power, or use of an an equivalence region (interval H0/ROPE) or a Bayes Factor is necessary. In these cases, the effect size chosen (for power analysis, an equivalence region, or the scale factor of a Bayes factor) should be justified by the scientific context and should not be based on default values (cf. Dienes, 2021). Finally, the proposed Registered Report submitted to PCI RR for Stage 1 review should ascertain that the proposed sample size is large enough to find evidence against the tested hypothesis—based on the statistical power underlying a minimally interesting effect size, or the probability of the confidence interval falling in an equivalence region where the effect is zero, or the emergence of a Bayes factor of 1/3 if the population effect were zero, for example. In other words, the proposed sample size must be justified by a method fitting the scientific context and the available resources, but no particular method of justification is required.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.         

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: No     

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): Colour figures are free in the online version of the article, but additional charges apply where authors also want colour figures to appear in the print version.

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Royal Society Open Science

Statement of commitment: Royal Society Open Science will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any quantitative Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting the applicable requirements concerning bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: All STEM; no clinical research or humanities.

Word limits: N/A

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 2

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes      

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: £1400/€1680/$1960. Waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Science and Medicine in Football

Statement of commitment: Science and Medicine in Football will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable journal requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control, and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Empirical research that advances theoretical knowledge, methodological approaches and the professional practice associated with the sport of football, including sports medicine, epidemiology, prevention, rehabilitation, physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, training and testing, performance analysis, sport psychology and coaching.

Word limits: No limits for the main text. Abstract: 250 words.

Offered for qualitative research: No

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.80 for all preregistered hypothesis tests. For studies employing Bayesian hypothesis testing, data collection until Bayes Factor (BF)>6 in favour of H1 or H0 for all preregistered hypotheses OR authors can specify a maximum feasible sample size at which data collection must cease regardless of the BF provided the sample is sufficiently large that inconclusive results at this sample size would be an important message for the field.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 4

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A - colour figure charges for print only.

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Social Psychological Bulletin

Statement of commitment: Social Psychological Bulletin will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript falling within the journal's annual publication quota and meeting the specified requirements concerning statistical thresholds, bias control and formatting.

Disciplinary scope: Research and methodological contributions in any area of basic or applied social psychology.

Word limits: 8,000 words in total.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: For studies employing null hypothesis significance testing: power ≥ 0.90 for all preregistered hypothesis tests.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 3

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: The journal can publish no more than 90 pages of RR articles per year, which corresponds to ~4 completed Stage 2 RRs at the maximum word limit of 8,000. Once this quota is exceeded, authors must either delay publication until the quota resets or choose an alternative journal. Authors should enquire with the journal about the current quota status following a positive Stage 2 recommendation.

Studia Psychologica


Statement of commitment: Studia Psychologica will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Human research in cognitive, social, personality and developmental psychology, psychophysiology, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, and psychological methods.

Word limits: 8,000 words in total.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses only.

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A

Swiss Psychology Open

Statement of commitment: Swiss Psychology Open will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to authors paying the applicable article processing charge and the manuscript meeting any applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Research in any area of psychology involving human participants.

Word limits: 8,000 words in total.

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes, for meta-analyses and systematic reviews only.          

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: 500 CHF (~£400). Discounts and waivers are available.

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A


Statement of commitment: WiderScreen will automatically offer Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within the journal’s disciplinary scope that receives IPA at PCI RR, and will accept without further peer review any Stage 2 RR that has been recommended by PCI RR, subject to the manuscript meeting the applicable formatting requirements.

Disciplinary scope: Research in multimedia, digital, and audiovisual media culture.

Word limits: 7,000 words in total (flexible).

Offered for qualitative research: Yes

Offered for quantitative research: Yes

Minimum required thresholds for pre-planned statistical evidence, where applicable: N/A - same policy as PCI RR with no defined minimums.

Minimum required level of bias control to protect against prior data observation: Level 1

Policy for sharing of data, code and digital materials: Same or less stringent than PCI RR.          

Offered for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, systematic maps, and scoping reviews: Yes.

Offered for Programmatic RRs: Yes

Required article processing charge: N/A

Submission fee: N/A

Other publication charges (e.g. colour figure charges, page charges): N/A

Offers option for authors to publish their Stage 1 manuscript in the journal as a separate article (e.g. Study Protocol): No

Requires peer reviews to be signed: No

Any additional conditions or requirements: N/A