DOI or URL of the report:
Version of the report: 4
Revised manuscript:
All revised materials uploaded to:, updated manuscript under sub-directory "PCIRR Stage 2\PCI-RR submission following R&R"
Dear Dr. Feldman,
Thank you for submitting your Stage 2 registered report entitled “Revisiting the Psychology of Waste: Replication and Extensions Registered Report of Arkes (1996)” to PCI: Registered Reports. I have received comments from the same reviewers from Round 1 and have reviewed the report myself. Overall, we are in agreement that the updated submission largely meets the Stage 2 review criteria, and that the resulting report is impressive in its clarity, attention to detail, and thorough documentation of the methods and analyses.
There are a few details related to the results and discussion that are in need of revision before moving to a final acceptance. Please address the following points in your revision:
Best wishes,
Doug Markant
The authors did an admirable job with a full and complete reporting of their analyses. I also appreciate the care with which they approached drawing conclusions, particularly with regard to Scenario 2, which did not yield results that were consistent with the original paper. Their thoughtful inclusion of a manipulation check was helpful in putting that null result into context.
I noticed a few typos, so I'd suggest the authors/editors give it a thorough proofreading.
I also noticed one small issue with the reporting of the results: As part of the Willingness extension, for Scenario 2, the 95% CI excludes zero, yet it yielded a non-significant p-value. Was the lower bound meant to be negative? The text (p. 53), Table 14, and caption for Figure 8 are inconsistent about the sign of the t-test, effect size, and CIs. Similar inconsistencies with Scenario 3 in the text (p. 54) between the table (14) and figure (9). These likely come down to slightly different defaults in the stats software about identifying Group 1 vs. 2.
In generating this review, I have followed the guidelines for Stage 2 RR:
Have the authors provided a direct URL to the approved protocol in the Stage 2 manuscript? YES
Did they stay true to their protocol? Are any deviations from protocol clearly justified and fully documented? YES
Is the Introduction in the Stage 1 manuscript (including hypotheses) the same as in the Stage 2 manuscript? Are any changes transparently flagged? YES
Did any prespecified data quality checks, positive controls, or tests of intervention fidelity succeed? YES
Are any additional post hoc analyses justified, performed appropriately, and clearly distinguished from the preregistered analyses? YES
Are the conclusions appropriately centered on the outcomes of the preregistered analyses? YES
Are the overall conclusions based on the evidence? YES
My conclusion is thus that the authors have adhered to the methods and analysis reported in the in-principle acceptance of their stage 1 manuscript.
I found the results of the replication clearly reported, and the exploratory analysis of mechanisms to be enlightening and clear. The manuscript is long and dense, but is a nice piece of scholarly work, and I thank the authors for an enlightening read.