Thank you for your Stage 2 submission. One of the original Stage 1 reviewers was available to evaluate your manuscript, and we have decided to proceed on the basis of this review and my own reading of the manuscript.
As you will see, the reviewer judges that your submission broadly meets the Stage 2 criteria and is a strong example of a rigorous and transparently reported Stage 2 RR. There are just three points to address in a revision.
The first is the rationale for the exploratory analyses (
Stage 2 criterion 2D). In my reading, they make sense, but I agree with the reviewer that their rationale could be fleshed out more to make their purpose crystal clear to readers. The reviewer also suggests deploying drift diffusion modelling as part of these exploratory analyses. On this point, I agree that this approach could offer some very interesting insights. At the same time, I also think the analyses as reported are sufficient to justify the conclusions, so I will let you be the judge of how to respond to this idea. Under PCI RR rules, at Stage 2 the scope for requiring additional exploratory analyses is (by design) highly constrained, unless the reviewers/recommenders judge that such analyses are necessary to justify the conclusions being drawn (a circumstances which does not apply in this case).
Second, I would be grateful if you could update the study design table (p35) to add a column on the far right called "Observed outcome", which summarises in very basic terms whether the hypothesis was confirmed or disconfirmed in each row. This will provide a helpful overview for readers and can assist in future systematic reviews. Please also give this table a name and caption.
Finally, in the section 'Ethics and Consent' you note that "All materials, anonymised data, analysis code and full results are available on the Open Science Framework at". This link points to the Stage 1 registration made by PCI RR but doesn't contain any materials, data or code. I believe the correct link to include here is this one: so please adjust as necessary.
Once we receive your revision and response, a final Stage 2 recommendation will be rapidly forthcoming.
best wishes,
Chris Chambers
PCI RR Managing Board