DOI or URL of the report:
Version of the report: v6
Once these issues are addressed, I will issue final Stage 2 acceptance without further peer review. In anticipation of the next version being the final preprint, once you have made these revisions please update the latest version of the preprint to be a clean version (rather than tracked changes), but upload a tracked-changes version (that shows only these latest revisions) in the PCI RR system when you resubmit.
Congratulations on the submitted Stage 2 manuscript rigor and fidelity on the approved RR. I answered the recommended questions regarding such a submission as follows.
Have the authors provided a direct URL to the approved protocol in the Stage 2 manuscript? Did they stay true to their protocol? Are any deviations from protocol clearly justified and fully documented?
R.: The authors provided the DOI of the arXiv, which goes directly to the Stage 2 manuscript rather than the exact URL of the RR, which is, to avoid misunderstanding by the readers.
Is the Introduction in the Stage 1 manuscript (including hypotheses) the same as in the Stage 2 manuscript? Are any changes transparently flagged?
R.: Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 introduction sections are the same, with no relevant changes.
Did any prespecified data quality checks, positive controls, or tests of intervention fidelity succeed?
R.: The pre-specified analysis was successful as part of the performed survey and experiment.
Are any additional post hoc analyses justified, performed appropriately, and clearly distinguished from the preregistered analyses? Are the conclusions appropriately centered on the outcomes of the preregistered analyses?
R.: Yes. There was an additional iteration of the survey with 8 participants to achieve the stipulated sample size. Another subtle change was merging MAIT and MPIT metrics, which were identical, but this was previously expected in the survey RR design. Regarding the survey, there was one change reflected by the merging metrics. Therefore, the experimental design changed from a 4x1 to a 3x1 experiment, thus modifying the treatment function. No other deviation was detected.
Are the overall conclusions based on the evidence?
R.: The conclusion is solid and based on the evidence provided by the survey and experiment analysis.