Submit a report

Before submission

You must first deposit your manuscript or RR snapshot on a preprint server (e.g. bioRxiv, arXiv, etc. for manuscripts; for snapshots, please deposit your PDF at OSF or a similar repository and not at Google) or the Open Science Framework, and obtain a DOI if the submission is public. At Stage 1 you can keep the manuscript or snapshot under a private embargo provided PCI RR is provided with a view-only URL.

Your report must not be published or under consideration for evaluation elsewhere at the time of its submission to PCI Registered Reports. If your report is sent out for review by PCI Registered Reports, you are not permitted to submit it to a journal until the PCI Registered Reports evaluation process has been completed.
You cannot, therefore, submit your report to a journal before its rejection or recommendation by PCI Registered Reports.

Authors should have no financial conflict of interest (see a definition here) relating to the report they submit. If you are unsure whether your report may be associated with financial conflicts of interest, please send an Email to to ask for clarification.

Details about the evaluation & recommendation process can be found in the Guide for Authors

Note: our researcher-run community has grown much more rapidly than we expected. We are currently receiving a large number of submissions and are in need of many more recommenders, especially in the fields of consciousness, neuroimaging, psychology, behavioral economics, astronomy, paleontology, and social sciences. Authors, please help us grow as a community by recruiting recommenders in your area. Find out more at our Become a recommender page.

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