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Registered Report: Are anticipatory auditory predictions enhanced in tinnitus and independent of hearing loss?use asterix (*) to get italics
L. Reisinger, G. Demarchi, S. Rösch, E. Trinka, J. Obleser, N. WeiszPlease use the format "First name initials family name" as in "Marie S. Curie, Niels H. D. Bohr, Albert Einstein, John R. R. Tolkien, Donna T. Strickland"
<p>Phantom perceptions occur without any identifiable environmental or bodily source. The mechanisms and key drivers behind phantom perceptions like tinnitus are not well understood. The dominant “altered-gain”-framework suggests that tinnitus results from neural hyperactivity in the auditory pathway following hearing damage. Alternatively, however, researchers have tried to explain perceptual and potential neural aberrations in tinnitus within a more parsimonious predictive-coding framework. In line with this model, a recent magnetoencephalography (MEG) study reported that individuals with tinnitus engage more strongly in anticipatory sensory predictions compared to controls without tinnitus. However, correlations with hearing loss could not be drawn due to the study design. This registered report aimed to close this gap. We used an established passive-listening paradigm, in which the regularity (i.e. predictability) of pure-tone sequences was either random or ordered. Analyses encompassed data from 80 participants. 40 participants with tinnitus and 40 control subjects without tinnitus were not only matched for age and gender, but importantly also in terms of hearing loss. We were able to replicate our previous main finding: individuals with tinnitus showed relatively stronger pre-activations of carrier-frequency-specific neural activity patterns, supporting the hypothesis that chronic tinnitus is associated with maladaptively upregulated predictive neural processing. This effect was not driven by tinnitus distress and the groups did not differ in terms of decoding of tone frequencies. While our work firmly excludes hearing loss as explanation, future longitudinal studies need to determine whether dysregulated predictive processes are a consequence of tinnitus or rather pose a risk factor for developing this condition.</p>
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auditory perceptions, tinnitus, predictions, decoding, hearing loss, MEG
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Life Sciences
e.g. John Doe
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e.g. John Doe
2024-02-21 16:17:33
Chris Chambers