JAMES Richard's profile

JAMES Richard

  • School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Social sciences

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1

Areas of expertise
Gambling, mobile gambling, addiction, behavioural addiction, smartphone addiction, psychometrics, latent class analysis

Review:  1

19 Jan 2024

A systematic review of social connection inventories

Improving the measurement of social connection

Recommended by based on reviews by Jacek Buczny, Richard James and Alexander Wilson
This is an ambitious systematic review that uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to make the measurement of the construct of social connection more rigorous. Social connection is a heterogeneous construct that includes aspects of structure, function and quality. Here, Paris et al. (2024) will use predefined methods to create a database of social connection measures, and will assess heterogeneity of items using human coders and ChatGPT. This database will form the basis of a second systematic review which will look at evidence for validity and measurement properties. This study will also look at the population groups and country of origin for which different measures were designed, making it possible to see how far culturally specific issues affect the content of measures in this domain.
The questions asked by this study are exploratory and descriptive and so the importance of pre-registration is in achieving clear criteria for how each question is addressed, rather than evidential criteria for hypothesis-testing.
The authors responded comprehensively to three reviewer reports. This study will provide a wealth of useful information for those studying social connection, and should serve to make the literature in this field more psychometrically robust and less fragmented.
URL to the preregistered Stage 1 protocol: https://osf.io/796uv
Level of bias control achieved: Level 3. At least some data/evidence that will be used to the answer the research question has been previously accessed by the authors (e.g. downloaded or otherwise received), but the authors certify that they have not yet observed ANY part of the data/evidence. 
List of eligible PCI RR-friendly journals:

1. Paris, B., Brickau, D., Stoianova, T., Luhmann, M., Mikton, C., Holt-Lunstad, J., Maes, A., & IJzerman, H. (2024). A systematic review of social connection inventories. In principle acceptance of Version 3 by Peer Community in Registered Reports. https://osf.io/796uv


JAMES Richard

  • School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Social sciences

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1

Areas of expertise
Gambling, mobile gambling, addiction, behavioural addiction, smartphone addiction, psychometrics, latent class analysis