Strong evidence for cross-cultural regularities in music and speech
Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower, higher, and use more stable pitches than speech [Stage 2 Registered Report]
Recommendation: posted 03 July 2023, validated 03 July 2023
Chambers, C. (2023) Strong evidence for cross-cultural regularities in music and speech. Peer Community in Registered Reports, 100469. 10.24072/pci.rr.100469
This is a stage 2 based on:
Corresponding authors: Yuto Ozaki and Patrick E. Savage (Keio University, Japan). Full list of 80 authors is in the manuscript
List of eligible PCI RR-friendly journals:
The recommender in charge of the evaluation of the article and the reviewers declared that they have no conflict of interest (as defined in the code of conduct of PCI) with the authors or with the content of the article.
Evaluation round #1
DOI or URL of the report: 10.31234/
Version of the report: 9
Author's Reply, 30 Jun 2023
Decision by Chris Chambers, posted 21 Jun 2023, validated 21 Jun 2023
I have now received two evaluations of your Stage 2 submission by the reviewers were assessed the proposal at Stage 1. As you can see, both are very positive about the completed work, with one reviewer happy with the submission in its current state and the other raising some minor issues concerning terminology and clarification of the analyses. Please address these points in a revised manuscript and response, and we should be able to award a positive Stage 2 recommendation without further review.
Reviewed by Bob Slevc, 20 Jun 2023
I was excited about the first stage of this registered report, and have enjoyed seeing how the data turned out. For the stage 2 review process, I guess the most important question is whether the work was carried out as proposed in the stage 1 manuscript. This certainly seems to be the case! Changes from stage 1 are clearly described (and seem reasonable), the manuscript includes plenty of detail, and the recordings and analyses scripts are not only made openly available but are appropriately documented. I don't think it's really necessary for me to comment on the results and interpretation, but I will just note as an aside that my stage 1 concerns about the specific SESOI chosen appear to have been unfounded -- effects are larger than I would have expected! That said, I do appreciate the inclusion of manipulated examples and discussion of how the SESOI was chosen (e.g., in section S7).
Overall, I enjoyed this paper and appreciate all the work that went into this project. I expect this will prove to be a really useful resource for many of us in the field(s)!
Reviewed by Nai Ding, 05 Jun 2023
In general, I think the paper is almost ready to publish. A number of issues, however, still need to be addressed and most of these issues are terminology issues. For example, it should be explicitly stated that the rhythm measures general refer to the rhythm of breath instead of the rhythm of sound (if I understood it correctly).
1. For the inter-onset interval, please specify the unit (i.e., the onset of what?). If it's the onset of a breath, I wonder why it can reflect the speed of speech or music. Suppose I take a breath after every syllable in one condition and take a break after a sentence in a second condition. I may breathe more frequently in condition 1, but the speech rate, e.g., measured by the number of syllables per second, may still be higher in condition two.
Similarly, in Fig. 8, what is called an onset and break annotation? Does it mean the duration within a breath?
I don't know how the Fourier transform can be used to length normalization and interpolation.
phrase length -> breath duration
interval regularity -> this one is particularly confusing since interval also refers to the breath signal in IOI
loudness -> intensity or just short-term energy
2. Abstract: "relative to speech, songs consistently use" Consider to replace consistently with generally. If I understood the results correctly, there is high variability and the result is not consistent within every participant (e.g., Fig. 7).